First of all, even flat earthers don’t think the planet is a plate shaped frisbee in the sky. So let’s clear our minds and weigh out what flat earthers are really saying and compare it to what we know based on Nasa and Science..or even better, what if we look and see what the Bible says and use our common sense and analyze it for ourselves?

This is a fascinating subject to me and I am greatly entertained by reading both sides of this highly controversial subject.

Below you will find my .pdf document where I have saved bible verses pertaining to a flat earth as well as a bunch of saved images and internet articles and even Nasa Documents.

I like to think I’m not a fanatical nut case but the minute I tell people I am willing to hear debate on subjects like Flat Earth, The validity of the Apocrypha or any other controversial subject or conspiracy theory I can see them silently dismiss me. Let me be very clear, I’m on a journey of discovery. I’m willing to hear every side of the stories. Until God himself tells me what’s true and not true on any given subject, you can consider me undecided..or just thinking about it.

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