40 Evil Ways

All the Ways Satan has tried to Manipulate Truth and Changed History Over Time by pivoting one fraction of a degree at a time and for the most part, we all just let it happen.

This is a collection of 40 ways the world has slowly been deceived over time.
(This is just a sample list, there are uncountable ways of the evil deception we have all been targeted with)

1. Misinterpretations of the bible translations: It’s not uncommon for King James readers to assume their KJB is textually identical to the 1611, except for spelling. This isn’t true. Frederick Scrivener, a major scholar of the KJB, concluded from his study that “numberless and not inconsiderable departures” from the 1611 abound in modern editions, mostly “deliberate changes, introduced silently and without authority” by unnamed men. He listed over fifty pages of variations from the 1611 edition that had been adopted by later editions and that he retained. He also gives more than twenty pages of variations from the 1611 that he rejected in his own edition of the KJB. David Norton’s more recent study of the textual history of the KJB scrupulously lists over 150 pages of variant readings supporting his updated edition. Most changes to the original text were made in 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769 editions, others in hundreds of humbler editions. These alterations are extremely minor compared to differences between distinct translations (say, KJB vs. NKJV) and so, they shouldn’t be exaggerated. At the same time, they shouldn’t be minimized either. D. A. Waite, for example, did this when he compared an audio version of the Old Scofield Reference Bible and a 1611 facsimile, and said he heard only 421 changes. Setting aside changes of form, he claimed there were only 136 changes of “substance” from 1611 to today.2 A pastor in North Carolina called for a recount; using the same two editions in print, he enumerated over 2,000. Waite’s count was reportedly updated some but still gets repeated. There are hundreds of verses where the original Greek or Hebrew have been altered, minimized or otherwise distorted in the King James from the Geneva translation and others and when compared to the original or even to other versions it becomes glaringly obvious that scripture is being chipped away at little by little.

2. Roe vs Wade Ruling-If you think this epic precedent wasn’t orchestrated by evil to chip away at mankind, you may have your head in the sand. If that doesnt blow your mind then look at what California recently put into effect where you can abort a baby even after full term. It is LITERAL murder and they are legalizing it.

3. Prayer in Schools-What better way to take a stab at Gods people than to round up Gods children and lock them in a Godless environment for the biggest part of their day? The Supreme Court ruled in 1962 that it’s unconstitutional for a teacher to lead a class in prayer at a public school, but three-in-ten U.S. adults said in a March 2021 survey that public school educators should be allowed to do this. A considerably larger share of Americans (46%) said teachers in public schools should not be allowed to lead students in any kind of prayers, with Democrats twice as likely as Republicans to say this (60% vs. 30%). Another 24% did not prefer either option. Among U.S. public school students ages 13 to 17, 41% said in a 2019 survey that it’s appropriate for a teacher to lead a class in prayer, including 29% of teens who knew that this practice was banned but said it was acceptable nevertheless.

4. Regulation of Churches: But when does the government cross a line? For example, should the government have the authority to invalidate any gift to a church simply because it was contained in a will or deed executed within a prescribed time prior to the donor’s death? Should the government have the ability to regulate a church’s solicitation of funds? Or, should the government have the authority to apply anti-discrimination requirements to churches? Americans are divided on the extent to which the country’s laws should reflect biblical teachings. Roughly half of adults say the Bible should influence U.S. laws either a great deal (23%) or some (26%), and more than a quarter (28%) say the Bible should prevail over the will of the people if the two are at odds, according to a February 2020 survey. Half of Americans, meanwhile, say the Bible shouldn’t influence U.S. laws much (19%) or at all (31%).

5. The Strawman Theory-Confusion regarding the validity and purpose of a birth certificate. This is a complicated conspiracy theory in which claims are made that suggest a birth certificate is really just another method of government control of a person’s identity. Whether it is true or not is irrelevant because the real fact of the matter is that evil is always working every angle to create confusion, distrust and dependence and chaos.

6. Flat Earth vs Round Earth-The flat earth movement is growing rapidly and making some remarkably believable arguments for the theory and valid arguments about the ulterior motives of Nasa and the Government, but again, whether the earth is flat or round is not the real issue. The real issue is that Satan is using the debate to divide people and throw shade on what the bible says about the shape of the earth. (I have a whole list of bible verses that mention the shape of the earth-check them out and decide for yourself)

7. Evil in politics and government-Think about Stalin and Hitler, both were political figures and look what they did. Look at The Biden family and their business dealings. Look at Sadam Hussain and so many more all the way back to biblical times. There is EVIL in government behind every door and around every corner.

8. Evil in main stream music, including Christian artists-Hidden messages, unchristian lyrics, seductive stage performances, inappropriate imagery and a general lack of goodness is leading our teens astray in the name of being cool and connecting with the music and identifying with all of these music artists who have sold their very soul for fame and money and success.

9. Evil in the visual arts, including movies, television and stage performances. Look at artists like Taylor Swift and others. A simple google search will reveal countless performers who took the path to money and fame over goodness and righteousness and they sold their soul to get there and our youth are eating it up like they are starving.

10. Porn-How many marriages have been destroyed by porn addiction? Porn works at the very core of intimacy by destroying a man’s natural desire for intimacy and replacing it with an unrealistic satisfaction with a distorted idea of what intimacy was designed by God to be. Porn also distorts what we can expect as beauty in our partner. It was bad enough when it was just magazines but now porn is available to boys and men (and girls and women) of all ages with a mere keystroke, often when you are not even looking for it. Never forget, staan is seeking to kill, steal and destroy…your MIND and your BODY and your SOUL.

11. Human Trafficking-If you don’t believe that men, women and children are being abducted everyday to satisfy the lusts of evil men and women in high places in the name of sexual satisfaction, cult sacrifice and other nefarious purposes then you need to open your eyes and see what’s going on around you. Children go missing everyday in parks, playgrounds, into secret tunnels in hotels and malls and other seemingly safe places and stripped from the street. It’s not a small number and its not just the USA. This is a worldwide problem. Think about Epstein’s Island, do you really think that place was merely a tropical oasis for the elite?

12. Epstein’s Island-Only our Great Creator knows the depth of evil that transpired at Epstein’s island and the people in high places that participated in those horrific acts against their prey.  

13. Same Sex Marriage, Gender Identity Confusion, the whole LGBTQ movement.  There was an interesting study performed with mice in which they were observed in a normal environment and then in a contrasting environment of overpopulation and malnutrition. (John B. Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia Experiment) This study also investigated the effects of a healthy diet vs. one of over processed, preserved foods and while same sex relationships date back to the days of the bible, this study in the behavior of mice suggested that negative environmental conditions increased the instances of same sex relationships in the mice. Do you see how subtle evil works? I’m not saying that ALL people with a same sex preference or gender appropriation are the victim of overcrowding or malnutrition but what I am saying is that evil has its hand in a lot of issues, some manipulation is overt and obvious and some are subtle and seemingly unrelated but at the end of the day you cant ignore these overwhelming results of these studies. You see and hear countless people say they underwent sexual reassignment surgery and later haddeep regrets. THAT’S the way evil works. It convinces people to do and say things that do not align with their own reason and preference by disception and cunning manipulation. Evil works to convince us that we are not comfortable in our own body then chips away at our rationale till we cave in. Again, I am not grouping every person of the LGBTQ community in this scenario but if we are being honest, there are countless people this applies to.  Here is just one link outlining the study on mice: Tea in the ancient world: Calhoun’s Universe 25 mice experiments; overpopulation effects related to modern social themes

14. Racism, including attack on innocent people in the name of racism. I am going to attempt to break this down to its most basic level. Imagine placing 2 toddlers in a room together. They don’t know anything about each other, they don’t know anything about color, race, religion, social standing or any other dividing factor. Do they play together even though they are different? YES!! Because racism is not inherent, it is TAUGHT. What crazy person is out there teaching hate?? EVIL. It starts small and then one day you are watching large mobs tear down statues and chant hatefulness.  What do we do about it? First of all we don’t cave in and join the mob. We, as Christians remember the one command Christ taught us and that is, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Yahweh teaches love, satan brings hate.

15. Polygamy-I know what a lot of people will say and that is that polygamy is biblical. Yes, there were men and even kings and mighty rulers with in the bible with hundreds of wives but just because it was talked about in scripture doesn’t mean it was blessed by God. Scripture tells of a Firey statue (Molech) where parents would place their babies to burn to death and we don’t question how wrong that is so why is there any question that man should be the husband to ONE WIFE?? It says so right there in the new testament. Polygamy entices men to feed their inner desires and they use any means necessary to justify their actions. This is the direct result of evil influence breaking down our wholesome family units one barrier at a time, right under our noses.

16. Slavery-Man should not have ownership over other humans, ever, but all throughout history with the Jews, the Africans, the Irish and so many more we see it again and again. Why is that? BECAUSE EVIL is alive and well and working to chip away at Gods perfect design.

17. False Gods-I recently saw a photo of a party in Hollywood in which they wheeled out the cake and it was in the form of a beautiful naked woman on a gurney. It had an actual womans head perched on the gurney (I assume the rest of her was hidden below) but the from the neck down was a very realistic cake body and when they cut the cake people were shoveling it into their mouths in lewd and provocative ways. This is what our world has come to. From the false Gods of the bible to the many idols of worship we have in todays modern times. Do humans just wake up one day and decide to corrupt everything around them? NO, that is the influence of evil working overtime to tear down Gods plan for our lives.

18. The structure of the universe. In Genesis 1 we are told that God created the waters and divided the waters from the waters. In Genesis chapter 1 were are given a detailed account of the structure of Gods creation. Let me challenge you to read Genesis chapter 1 two times. Read it the first time with the mentality that the earth is a globe.Then read it again while imagining it as a flat surface. Which one do you think God is describing?  Whether earth is flat or round is a whole other subject for the sake of this article lets agree that God is the author of order and Satan is the protagonist who is constantly creating doubt, confusion and chaos. Until we agree that Gods word is truth we will all continue to live in confusion and chaos.

19. Worship of the stars, astrology. (Not to be confused with astronomy) Did you know that the bible specifically says not to worship the stars?  Psalm 148 says the stars were made to worship..not the other way around.

20. Roman Games to distract the crowds to modern day sports for the same reason. Imagine how many men and women in todays world are obsessed with sports, sports betting, casinos and other distractions to take their minds off of their God given duties and joys.

21. Gambling-Do you think your petty gambling is an innocent way to entertain yourself? Would God bless your gambling? Is there a more productive way to spend your time? Do you know people who gamble whose lives are NOT affected negatively by it in some way? Does the pursuit of get rich quick schemes distract you from your family? Your service to God? Your job? Your chairtable endeavors? Does it prevent you from titheing with regularity? Whatever is not FOR God, is against God. Who is against God? Satan. Satan is busy at work distracting you from your purpose on earth and that is to worship our Creator.

22. Sexual Freedom-Watching a television show last week one of the young men on the show asked his friend what his “body count” was. He was asking how many people/women that man had been sexual with. The man replied with great pride his number of approximately 225. This is our modern-day society. Satan has convinced the masses that their shameful lusts are brag worthy. One conquest at a time we develop some sense of having won the invisible prize when the reality is that if we are walking with Christ and working at living a Christian life we would not be boasting about our conquests we would be ashamed of our actions that go against Gods perfect design for marriage. It’s difficult to impossible to be at perfect bliss with our spouse if we are constantly comparing them to countless conquests of our past. God wants you to be happy. God delights in our joy. WE are the ones who ruin that by letting Satan convince us that evil is good.

23. Social Status-Join me for a minute and lets jump back in time to high school. This is the most basic example of how social status works. The popular kids wear this or that so all the kids want to wear it. Captain Football throws a party and everyone wants to be there even if they have to sneak out of their house and lie to their parents to be there and the list goes on and on. We all compromise what is right to satisfy the need within us to be popular or liked or in some cases adored. Now skip ahead, isn’t that what happens with music icons and actors and actresses and political figures? One compromise here and one adjustment there and we are slowing conforming to this world instead of blazing new trails to a deeper understanding of who Christ is and who He wants us to be. It is not enough to read Gods word or attend church regularly, we have to STUDY Gods Word and then DO WHAT GOS WORD SAYS!Repentance is not merely felling sorry for our failures it is a genuine commitment not to willingly repeat those failures.

24. Violence, groups like BLM and others who create false division while trying to convince others it is an act of justice.

25. Depression and mass treatment of depression. Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression.  They take their own lives, they take drugs to manage their depression, they seek council and various other methods to manage their unhappiness. How can we not see that this is another example of evil at work in our lives. This is not a problem isolated to unbelievers. Satan does not want you to be happy. Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy.

26. The feminist movement. Here we have another corruption of Gods word. The feminist movement is all about women trying to prove they are equal to men but that’s not what Gods word says and on top of that even the understanding of what Gods word says is equally distorted. Gods word says the proper order is God first, then man, then woman, then children. Often men will read that along with the scripture about women being submissive to men and try to justify being the dictator of the relationship but if you read the whole Word of God what it says in Proverbs 31 that a woman should be allowed her own money her own job and her due respect. It says that men should honor their wives which means if there is a big decision to be made husband and wife discuss it and the husband respects her ideas, wants and needs and he works to make their lives mutually happy but once again, this whole thing about man vs woman has been distorted, corrupted and misunderstood because Satan is out there working every angle to distort Gods word, wreck marriages and families and create havoc and upset and steer believers away from God.

27. Public Statues & Symbols- Americans are divided on whether local governments should be allowed to put religious symbols on public property, according to the same March 2021 survey. Nearly four-in-ten U.S. adults (39%) say cities and towns should be allowed to do this, while 35% say religious symbols should be kept off public property. Roughly a quarter (26%) don’t favor either option. While some Supreme Court cases have determined that religious displays on government property are constitutional in certain contexts, other cases have found that such displays can be endorsements of religion, violating the First Amendment. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? FREEDOM PERIOD?  One day at a time we are being shackled and chained by the slowly changing climate of what we once knew as freedom because Satan is using every trick in the book to twist the truth of Gods word and make us believe we are somehow entitled rather than the truth which is that any freedom we experience is the grace of God, NOT ENTITLEMENT.

28. The Calendar-Even the calendar we live by has been distorted over time. Who knew that even the calendar could create controversy? If you don’t get it by now, my point is that Satan is attacking EVERY part of our lives with every form of confusion possible. Do we live by our traditional 12 month calendar? Or is the 13 month calendar more in tune with Gods plan? I do find it interesting that the 13 month calendar is corroborated with nature. Depending on how we measure a lunar month, the moon goes around the earth in approximately 28 days. A womans cycle is 28 days. The turtle shell is a visual match for the days and moons in a lunar year. If you look at a turtle’s shell, you will see an outer ring of small scales. These represent the 28 days in a lunar month. You will also see larger scales inside the centre of the shell. Here we are once again, whether we live by 12 month years or 13 month years the point is that even the calendar has been targeting for corruption. We cannot take anything for granted as being untouched, unblemished and uncompromised. If you don’t get that from this short list then you are not paying attention.

29. Pharmaceuticals- drugs that do more harm than good and were created to mimic nature’s real remedies. I could give you literally HUNDREDS of examples on this subject but lets just look at just this one simple example and you can google for more if you need to. The story of the discovery of aspirin stretches back more than 3500 years to when bark from the willow tree was used as a pain reliever and antipyretic…but is todays aspirin made from the white willow? No. Todays aspirin is made from synthetic and sometimes toxic products which product undesirable side effects. Aspirin is not the only product found in nature and corrupted to become a modern-day pharmaceutical. Think about the abundant television ads for medicines where at the end of the ad full of cheery people living their best lives, frolicking on the beach it will add their disclaimer with the drugs many side effects.  We are living in a world of deception, there is no cure that comes out of a manufacturing plant that didn’t first begin as one of Gods perfect remedies. At the core of good health we could solve most health issues with better eating habits. Rid your diet of unnatural, over processed sugars and oils and allow Gods bounty of fruits and vegetables, seeds, plants, herbs, nuts, animal proteins and even tree bark to heal your body the way God intended. Do not be deceived by big pharma. Big Pharma is controlled by evil.

30. Fabrics-Energy, light, and matter all exist on a vibrational continuum. A tiny portion of this continuum is the electromagnetic spectrum, and of that spectrum, a tiny portion is visible light. All physical matter consists of vibrating atoms, which we call “energy” or “frequency.” Physical matter — including your body, a table, or a computer — only seems solid due to the vibration of the atoms. Matter is 99% empty space and only feels solid due to the vibration of atoms.Throughout millennium, human beings have been aware of other energy fields/frequencies which aren’t visible to the naked eye, or measurable by current scientific devices. The human body —functioning optimally — is a highly attuned extrasensory instrument, far more perceptive to spectrums of energy than our most advanced technology.The high frequencies of fabrics like linen and wool bring energy to the human body, and support the body’s healing process.When we wear fabrics like rayon, nylon, and polyester, we’re essentially wearing plastic. These fabrics are shown to shed microplastics into the water supply when laundered. Further, it raises the question: can these microplastics be absorbed by the skin? Are the other toxic chemicals used in synthetic fabrics be absorbed through the skin? And can working out in plastic fabric (i.e. polyester yoga pants) cause increased exposure to the fabric’s chemicals and microplastics, due to increased moisture and heat? Additionally, some athleisure clothing (including Nike, Athlete, and The North Face) is shown to contain BPA, a toxic chemical used in plastic manufacturing. BPA has been found in polyester/spandex fabric blends. Chemical testing of yoga pants from popular brands like Athleta and Lululemon reveal the presence of PFAS, toxic chemicals also found in many personal care products and non-stick pans. In 2003, a study was done by a Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen, on the frequencies of fabric.  According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is the same – 100. The study showed that if the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body.  A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register. Nonorganic cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70.However, if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body.  This is where linen comes in as a super-fabric.  Its frequency is 5,000. Wool is also 5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero. Even wearing a wool sweater on top of a linen outfit in a study collapsed the electrical field. The reason for this could be that the energy field of wool flows from left to right, while that of linen flows in the opposite direction, from right to left.

The relevant biblical verses (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11) prohibit wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment, the blending of different species of animals, and the planting together of different kinds of seeds. My entire life I never would have imagined that the clothes I was wearing were playing such a huge role in my physical balance. Where do you think this deception comes from? If we had this beautiful balance in the beginning of time, where did is go wrong and who is responsible? I think we all know the answer to that by now. Satan. The evil of this world does not want you to be happy or at peace and will do everything possible to sway you in subtle ways so you don’t see it coming till its too late to change it.

31. Auto industry..cars controlled by automation? — The thought of riding around in a car you are not controlling should be anathema to many of us who still get a thrill exploring the open road and knowing how and why your vehicle functions. It’s in our DNA to explore what’s over the horizon and around the next curve. While technology marches on, many of us still covet the art and thrill of driving.  It’s in our blood and no amount of innovation can ever replace the feeling of being in command of your own vehicle and owning your destiny. Now, with that in mind, let me ask you this question: What happens when self driving cars are the primary form of transportation? We will then be at the mercy of a computer and worse, at the command of whoever is programming that computer. You can say it is fanatical to think that we should all be in fear of self driving vehicles. My own grandkid thinks its exciting and cutting edge but what are we really giving up? We are giving up control over our own destiny. The minute we resign ourselves to being driven by a computer we are relinquishing control of our own person. At any point the computer by command of its programmer can recall our self driven vehicle to anywhere it wants to…maybe you get to go home or maybe you go to a concentration camp or perhaps over the edge of a cliff. Are you willing to give up control over your own life? Who do you think came up with this idea of self driven cars? There is evil lurking behind every corner and if you think it is all technology and progress you are already under the control of evil.

32. Phones—Can you imagine Laura Ingles on Little House on the Prairie riding along in her Pa’s buckboard wagon chatting away on her mobile phone?  Well, that’s exactly what our kids are doing today. Riding along, living a life so foreign to their parents so disconnected from the life they have at home that the entire family unit is disjointed. What happens when the powers that control our phone decide to cash out. Did you know your phone is capable of delivering a ring so piercing it can deafen you? It has GPS enabled and you can be tracked anywhere you go? It can even log everywhere you’ve been and what time and how long you stayed there. At the top of the chain it can create a report of your sleep habits, car riding habits and routines, who you associate with and even who is most important to you. Your phone is actually a weapon of destruction that you and I willingly carry around with us trusting we will always be able to use it the way WE want to. What happens when we all experience world collapse? Do you think the evil powers of this world, whether it is our government, or a secret society or underground aliens or Satan himself will hesitate to use every tool in their arsenal to command your demise? I’m not trying to start a revolt where we all deny all forms of technology but I am saying we need to be aware of the changes all around us and how they shape and form our future. Why are we so gullible and where does it stop?

33. Vaccines-Oh Im sure Ill get flack from this one but until someone can show me a label with EXACT ingredients in a vaccine and proof of what I can expect from that vaccine today tomorrow, next year and a decade from now then count me out. I’m not being paranoid, I am being practical. Would you go to the store and buy any substance and eat it? NO, we don’t go to the store and pick up a vanilla scented candle and try to eat it..because we are aware of whats in it and we know it will not play nice with our digestive system so then why do we go to the doctor and willingly let them inject an unknown substance into our life blood? The doctor didn’t make it, he is just performing a task someone else told him to do. Why do we blindly trust that? Consider for just a moment that YOU were assigned the task of the total demise of the world, doesn’t it seem plausible that this is just one more tool in your arsenal?  We have to start seeing evil influence and taking action against it.

34. Weather Manipulation—go outside everyday and start counting how many smoke trails you see in the sky. What are they doing up there? Do be a sucker, if there was no purpose, they wouldn’t be up there spending money to pour out who knows what into our atmosphere. The US Dept of Defense openly and publicly admits that this is something they are working on. What do they have to gain? Money? Noteriety? Demise of the population? ..or is it all in innocence? Im sure if you confronted the powers behind weather manipulation they would have some neat and tidy response about helping the farmers or some other such nonsense but even a skeptic would have to admit weather manipulation could serve an equally demonic purpose.  Benign Weather Modification (defense.gov)

35. False Prophets: Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, Muhammad, Nostradamas, Gordon Bitner Hinkley, David C. Pack, TD Jake’s, Jeffrey Lundgren, Edgar Cayce, William Branham, sun Myung Moon and the list goes on and on and on… these people don’t show up on the scene announcing to you that they are “mostly good” or “predominantly Christian”..no they present themselves like they are honest, worthy and necessary messengers of God but their message is flawed, tainted and a partial truth of Gods message.

Just a few verses about what God says about false teachers:

Ezekiel 13:9 9 My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD.

Jeremiah 14:14 14 Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.

Matthew 24:24 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Acts 20:28-30 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.


36. Weird Secret structures and operations all over the world:

The Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex in North Dakota was built in the 1970s to detect incoming missiles. The $500 million building is shaped like an unfinished pyramid, much like the one you can see on the back of the dollar, and has a round circle on each face. Mysteriously, the building was opened and in operation for only one day. It opened on October 1, 1975, and closed on October 2, 1975, when Congress decided to end the program, leading many to construct conspiracy theories. Some assume the building is actually used by the Illuminati because of its pyramid shape, which is a symbol of Freemasonry, the teachings of the largest secret society.

AREA51– Area 51 is the common name of a highly classified United States Air Force facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range. A remote detachment administered by Edwards Air Force Base, the facility is officially called Homey Airport or Groom Lake. 

Catacombs of Paris– Twenty meters underground in a maze of galleries, visitors will discover an ossuary containing the remains of several million Parisians. This unique site recalls the history of these Parisians and invites visitors to take a timeless journey.

In the town of Lyon, France, a series of secret passageways once provided a quick and safe way for silk workers to move their goods to and from the markets. The traboules are now partially open for public viewing, twisting and winding through different buildings. The word traboules comes from a corruption of “trans-ambulare,” a Latin phrase meaning “to pass through.”The earliest passageways date back to the 4th century and were built to allow people direct access to the town’s fresh supply of water rather than using the streets. It’s thought there are around 400 traboules in the town, but only a select few are open to the public—these are marked with an identification seal. The private passageways are behind locked gates and doors.

Colorado Underground Tunnels as well as major underground cities all over the world and many of them are NOT KNOWN to the public. How deep does this rabbit hole go? Why are the secrecy? Whats the end goal?? I don’t know the answer to everything but I do know, if it is not “Of God” it is “Against God”. Nothing is as innocuous as it seems.

 37. Antarctica—The powers of this world cant agree on anything, they are constantly at war for power and rights and ownership and yet in 1959 they all miraculously agreed on a mutual treaty regarding Antartica??? Antarctica doesn’t belong to anyone. There is no single country that owns Antarctica. Instead, Antarctica is governed by a group of nations in a one-of-a-kind international partnership called The Antarctic Treaty, which was first signed by representatives from seven countries on December 1, 1959. What are they all hiding in Antartica? ..What is it that Satan doesnt want you to know?

38. Georgia Guidestones—If the Georgia Guidestones were simply a statue then why was it so urgent that it be dismantled?  Georgia Guidestones–This is what Wikipedia says about the GG: The Georgia Guidestones was a granite monument that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. It was 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall and made from six granite slabs weighing a total of 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg). The structure was sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”.[2][3] The monument’s creators believed that there was going to be an upcoming social, nuclear, or economic calamity and they wanted the monument to serve as a guide for humanity in the world which would exist after it.[4] Controversial from its time of construction, it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theories which alleged that it was connected to Satanism. On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing from a vandal, and the debris and guidestones were removed by the local government later that day. In late July, Elberton Mayor Daniel Graves announced plans to rebuild the monument. However, on August 8, the Elbert County Board of Commissioners voted to donate the remains of the monument to the Elberton Granite Association and return the 5 acres of land on which the monument was erected to its previous owner.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it must be a duck..right? Everything about the Georgia Guidestones is SHADY. The article says it was “allegedly” connected to Satanism. It was destroyed and dismantled in ONE DAY??? I mean you cant even get an appointment to be heard in court in one day but Georgia can assemble a team and dismantle the US equivalent of Stonehenge in ONE DAY?? I dont know whats going on here but I know its not some innocent little tribute to America as told with randomly placed stones for the sake of “Art” or “Historical Reference”.

39. The Rainbow—Gods symbolic promise to all of mankind is todays symbol of the LGBTQ movement.  A symbol of Gods promise now a symbol of anything but Gods promise not to flood the world again. Even hard-core Christians wont wear, promote or display the rainbow for fear of the signal they think they will be sending. That my friends is 100% evil corruption. 

40. Television. Need I say more?


If we really start looking for ways that we, as the human race, have backslidden away from Gods commands and really analyze where it all went wrong there is not a single key point in time that would command an AHH HAA moment but if we start to analyze all the subtle changes that took place one at a time over the course of history it becomes clear that Satan has been working in the background since the beginning of time to steer us off course and away from God. This is why it is so important to take a stand, be firm, take action against evil and never stop.

Some of these entries above are referred to as conspiracy theories by the general public..but they all have one inventor…and his ultimate goal is evil.


We have all been lulled into a false sense of security WAKE UP!  This is exactly what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust, one small compromise, one small privilege, one small liberty at a time and one day they were all being hauled off into concentration camps and methodically murdered in mass.

I leave you with Ephesians Chapter 4

Ephesians 4  Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ

1.As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 8 This is why it[a] says:“When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.”

9 (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions[c]? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Instructions for Christian Living

17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.

20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin”[d]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need. 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.